What We Do

At Neurosketch, we are revolutionizing early detection of Parkinson’s disease using advanced AI technology. Our primary focus is on providing accessible, efficient, and accurate diagnostic services to the elderly, promoting wellness and improving quality of life. Here’s how we make a difference:

AI-Driven Diagnosis

Our cutting-edge machine learning models analyze tremor patterns to detect early signs of Parkinson’s. By leveraging overlapping image analysis, we provide fast and reliable diagnosis with minimal human intervention.

Accessible at Home

With our easy-to-use online platform, users can undergo diagnostic tests from the comfort of their homes. No complex medical procedures or hospital visits are needed, making the process stress-free and convenient for elderly users.

Data-Backed Precision

We use the latest medical research and AI algorithms to ensure that each diagnosis is backed by scientifically proven techniques. Our model continuously improves through real-world data to provide the most up-to-date results.

Empowering Patients

Beyond diagnosis, we aim to empower patients by providing actionable insights and next steps. From personalized health reports to connecting users with medical professionals, we ensure our users are well-informed about their condition and future care options.

How It Works

Discover the seamless process behind our AI-driven Parkinson's diagnosis. Each step is designed to ensure accuracy, accessibility, and ease of use.

Step 1: Image Capture

Users capture images of their hand or body part showing tremors using application. The process is simple and requires no special equipment.

Step 2: AI Analysis

Advanced AI algorithms analyze images to detect tremor patterns, using ML models for accurate and reliable results..

Step 3: Result Generation

The system generates a detailed diagnostic report, including tremor severity and potential Parkinson's signs.

Step 4: Next Steps

Users receive personalized recommendations and can consult with medical professionals.

Our Service

Explore the range of services we offer to assist in early Parkinson's diagnosis and management. Our solutions are designed with user convenience and accuracy in mind.

Comprehensive Diagnostic Tools

We provide a suite of diagnostic tools that use advanced AI algorithms to analyze tremor patterns and provide accurate results quickly.

Personalized Health Reports

Receive detailed and personalized health reports with insights into your condition, including severity and potential progression.

24/7 Access to Support

Our platform offers 24/7 support to address any questions or concerns, ensuring you have the assistance you need at all times.

Easy Integration with Healthcare Professionals

We facilitate easy communication with healthcare professionals for further consultation, ensuring comprehensive care.

What Our Users Think